Fig.P Software Incorporated
Fig.P Software designs and provides excellent data-driven solutions for clinicians and for scientific researchers that unlock and deliver the remarkable pragmatic benefits of daily "professionally smart" data integration, management and presentation. |
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Dash4Care™ Platform for Clinical Practice Reflections and Sustainable Patient Care Quality Improvement
Automated EMR data extraction, Care quality / Key indicator monitoring, and Actionable patient recall directing systems, sustainably supporting clinical care teams |
Dash4Care systems provide clinicians with ongoing practice-wide summary overviews about key care processes and health outcomes
among their patients with common complex and overlapping conditions including diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
With these tools, Dash4Care systems, such as the DMSX for Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome, aim to facilitate, support and sustain clinicians'
self-directed quality improvement initiatives.
Dash4Care Graphical Dashboards instantly show aggregate patient metrics, such as percentages of patients who are meeting standard targets for care intervals or test results. The dashboards also show trends of practice-aggregate values of key indicators over time. Dash4Care Patient Lists instantly show patients individually, by name and contact information, with their key indicators. Patients are sorted so that those whose indicators are furthest from target are listed topmost. The patient lists are actionable, identifying patients who may be most urgently due for recall or eligible for further care. Fig.P Software implements and deploys DMSX and each of its other Dash4Care solutions from the standards, modules and templates of its validated core Clinical Data Pipeline® platform. More info: info (at) |
For further information, please contact us at: e-mail: info (at) |
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Fig.P, P-PROMPT, Clinforma and Clinical Data Pipeline are registered trademarks of Fig.P Software Incorporated. Copyright © 1999-2025 Fig.P Software Incorporated |