Chronic Disease Management System

  Enabling and Empowering Primary Care Practices for
  Efficient, Effective and Quality Proactive Patient Care

         "It pays to use P-PROMPT"
Winner of the 2007 Innovation Award
  in Health Information Management
      from the Ontario Minister of Health     

» P-PROMPT CDMS member sign-in

    Service Provider for P-PROMPT®
    Fig.P Software Incorporated



  ► Ontario's proven effective, cost-effective and award-winning CDMS (chronic disease management system)
  ► Enables you to routinely provide better Preventive Care Delivery for all your rostered patients
  ► Enables you to routinely provide better Chronic Disease Management for all your rostered patients
  ► Enables you to sustain that care more efficiently and accountably increase your billings for OHIP incentive fees

What does P-PROMPT CDMS provide and support?

  ► Roster-wide Systematic and Timely Patient Care
  ► Chronic Disease Management, Screening and Prevention
  ► Overview Dashboards of Patient Care Status
  ► Actionable Reports on Practice Performance

  ► Canadian Clinical Practice Guidelines
  ► OHIP Bonuses, Incentives & Management Fees
  ► Data Acquisition from Multiple Sources
  ► Recall Letter Mailings to Overdue Patients

How does P-PROMPT help my Patient Care?

  ► View by Patient: Within ~2 sec, gives an actionable list of a patient's chronic disease & preventive care status
  ► View by Condition: Within ~2 sec, gives an actionable list of patients by disease or service who are due for care
  ► View by Practice: Within ~2 sec, reports a succinct summary of overall status of the care for all patients to date
  ► Patient Reminders: Upon prompted approval, sends patient reminder letters that improve timely recurrent care
  ► Practice Empowerment: Enables providing proactive patient care throughout the year, in a controllable manner

How does P-PROMPT help my OHIP Billings?

  ► Tracks incentive fee billing intervals and progress to bonus fee eligibilities throughout the year by tracking patient care
  ► Drives incentive and bonus fee billing eligibilities to top tiers by enabling timely appropriate care for all eligible patients
  ► Calculates auditable annual preventive care bonus billings, automatically and accountably (no more frantic chart audits)
  ► Enables claiming of management fees for successful patient reminder letters in an accountable and auditable way

How does P-PROMPT avoid creating extra work? (Work smarter, not harder)

  ► Zero Double Data Entry: Automatically takes in your electronic lab data; effortlessly creates visit notes into the EMR
  ► Zero Effort: Automated updates in background from Ministry roster lists and Cancer Care Ontario screening records
  ► No Added Effort: Changing to recording diabetic care on P-PROMPT MOH flowsheets maintains the tracking registry
  ► No Added Effort: Recording smoking cessation counselling on P-PROMPT CTI forms maintains the tracking registry
  ► Minimal Effort: 5 min/week of staff time keeps practice-wide preventive care status tracking always fully up to date
  ► Cost-Effective: Incentive and bonus fees accountably earned are typically 10x the yearly P-PROMPT subscription cost
  ► Complementary: Works equally well for practices with paper-based patient records or for those using any of the EMRs
  ► Grows with you: New users can use progressively more P-PROMPT registries over time to manage workflow evolution

What is the history of P-PROMPT?

  ► Award-winning system and service for family practices for improving chronic disease management and preventive care
  ► Serving hundreds of Ontario family practices since 2004
  ► Available to all family physicians currently practicing in rostered patient (enrollment) care models in Ontario

  ► Proven effective to increase the delivery of preventive care in an Ontario-wide study by McMaster University
  ► Cost-effective for practices, equally effective whether using paper-based records or any EMR
  ► After its first year, accounted for 10,000 more women being up-to-date with pap testing and mammography
  ► Nearly doubled the percentage of physicians accountably and auditably eligible to receive top-tier OHIP bonuses

  ► Winner of Ontario's 2007 Innovation Award for Innovations in Health Information Management
  ► Expanded to improve the care of patients with chronic disease using the same effective techniques

Published evidence of the effectiveness of using P-PROMPT in real-world clinical practice:

    P-PROMPT Demonstration Project:  This Innovation in Health Information Management ⇒ systematically improves Preventive Care Delivery in Primary care practice in Ontario
    P-PROMPT CDMS Evaluation Study:  This Innovation in Health Information Management ⇒ systematically improves Chronic Disease Management in Specialist care practice in Ontario

    Ontario Family Physician Views on Preventive Care Services and Performance Incentives
    Ontario Patient Views on Reminder Letters for Preventive Care Services

    Technology for Doctors, July 2007 - Review of P-PROMPT
    Original P-PROMPT Demonstration Project: An Initiative under the Ontario PHCTF 2004-06

    Winner, 2007 Innovation Award in Health Information Management from Ontario's Health Minister
         ↳ Photo       ↳ Health Minister's remarks 
    Finalist, 2009 Innovation Award in Health Information Management from Ontario's Health Minister

To order P-PROMPT Service, please contact us at:

    Service Provider for P-PROMPT
    Fig.P Software Incorporated
    e-mail: info (at) figpsoft.com

    Please contact us to set up a Demo for your team

P-PROMPT® is a registered trademark of Fig.P Software Incorporated.
Copyright © 2004-2024 Fig.P Software Incorporated.